Beadwork has become akin to a meditation, a material ritual.

Matter changing matter. Bead by bead, with the thread of connection to all that has come before.

To be a part of a generative flow of timeless creation, this is a sacred act. A kind of rhythmic practice that brings one back into connection to with one’s own essence.


As an artist and a designer, Martha draws on a mix of inspiration from the infinite beauty in the most tiny, natural worlds and the sensuousness of the Art Nouveau era. Her beadwork is crafted with skill in form and function and holds a timeless essence palpable to the wearer. Martha has spent time working as a production bead weaver for other small companies in the Bay Area and has been designing her own work since 2011. She also studied metalsmithing and lost wax casting and integrates these into her designs on occasion.



We are a part of something so vast, it is incomprehensible.

We are pulled by the tides of planets. Perhaps even our bones hold the glimmer of ancient, ancestral stars that still speak through us. Our bodies hold the voice for that which our living memory forgets easily.

We can each tune into what is clear and true, and in doing so, become a beacon which welcomes others home to themselves.


Martha’s interest in Astrology began as a young person from books found at used book shops in Minneapolis. With an innate desire for self understanding, her study has continued through the years, growing both in depth and scope. Infused with the perspective that we all are always evolving and, with intention, we can come into contact with something that is at once beyond ourselves as well as within us. Focused on psychological awareness, personal growth and relationships, She has studied systems such as the Enneagram, Human Design and Tarot.

Martha’s philosophy within astrology is now focused on how to engage with these planetary systems as a compass for living in right relationship with where we are and for understanding more about our individual strengths to assist in the work of collective liberation and transformative justice. It is up to all of us to take action and it begins with ourselves and our closest relationships.