Taurus Full Moon

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October 31st at 07:49 am, pst.

• Taurus Full Moon at 8°38’

• Conjunct Uranus at 8°41’ Taurus

• Opposite Sun at 8°38’ Scorpio


The Taurus full moon will be making an appearance this Halloween.

In a Venus ruled sign, we will see themes related to our values and our sense of self-worth that will be shining with clarity, thought it’s possible we may not always like what we see. If this is the case, it’s time to get real with your self love. With the Planet Uranus in an exact Conjunction, we might be shocked by what comes to light but with the Sun in opposition in Scorpio, nothing that comes up will be left in that raw state. It is coming to participate in the Holy transformation which is YOU.

There is some deeply transformational power with these transits together. Scorpio is regeneration, transmutation, and the magic of all that is less visible and the Sun is everlasting flame.

To work with this energy, try to cultivate a sense of safety and value from within. The body holds access to natural rhythms of breath and slow movement that can bring a receptivity for change. Through this, we will likely have a new understanding available in areas of our personal set of values and meaningful insights of worthiness. We may indeed feel shook up by this transit but when the dust settles we'll have a more solid ground to stand on.

If you want a more personalized understanding of where you might be experiencing this full moon, you can look to your natal chart for where you have the sign of Taurus. You may also experience this full moon more potently if you have planets in any of the fixed signs close to 8 degrees. If you’d like a personalized reading for your chart, check out Moon Readings to schedule an appointment for this week.

Until next time, take warm baths in the candle light, smile with your eyes, hum your favorite song and drink hot water. You’ve got this!

Taurus Full Moon at 8°38’ Conjunct Uranus at 8°41’ of Taurus both Opposite the Sun at 8°38’ Scorpio


Scorpio New Moon