Capricorn New Moon

Capricorn New Moon Graphic.png

January 12, 2021 at 09:01 pm PST

  • Moon + Sun at 23º Capricorn Conjunct Pluto at 24º Capricorn

  • Mercury, Jupiter + Saturn in Aquarius Square Mars + Uranus

With this First New Moon of the year, we can really start setting intentions for the upcoming year. Now the energy is supporting us in moving forward. In this process, allow some space for the transformations that will leave you better able to respond to the changes in our world.

There may be a temptation to wish for a time past where we have felt less limited as a way to escape feelings of pain but it would be wiser to take this moment with transformative Pluto still moving through the sign of Capricorn as an opportunity to take a deep look at the structures in our lives. Take note of what is within our power to change. This is likely to be a difficult task as it asks us to evaluate what we have relied on for our stability as it continues to quake to find what stays rooted through the erosion. The gift in doing this work is in building a stability within ourselves, building resiliency.

We become that which stays rooted.

From this place, we stay in our ability to act, our capacity to respond with intention and we stay in touch with our integrity.

This is the beginning of a Cycle with the Sun and the Moon in Capricorn.

The Sun and Moon are together in the sky and look out as one on the view of our world. At this time, they are also joining Transformative Pluto. Imagine these three beings standing together, seeing as one and sharing one voice.

The way things once were is no longer, and the new way is created in each of us. The call is to grow rooted enough to bear it.

Ellias Lonsdale’s book, Inside Degrees, describes the energy imprint of 23º Capricorn, “The secret instructions are writ on your innermost being and you know them implicitly.”

The intentions we set today will be touched by the Moon’s transits through Capricorn each month. The Moon will be Full in the sign of Capricorn on June 24, 2021, just over six months from now. This is the time when the Sun and Moon will be opposite each other in the sky, and viewing each other as from across a dinner table, able to give the greatest perspective. The intentions you set in the sign of Capricorn today will be fully illuminated on this day in June, so allow them to be both strong and flexible, broad and rooted, and in what is most nourishing for us all.

As always, I am available for anyone wanting a more personalized Moon Reading for where this transit is showing up in your own chart and where intention setting could be most useful for you at this time. If you have the means, consider donating here to support the continuation of this work.


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