Cancer Full Moon

Cancer Full Moon Graphic.png

December 29, 2020 at 07:28 pm

• Full Moon 8° Cancer Opposite Sun 8° + Mercury 14° Capricorn

• South Node + Venus Conjunct at 18° Sagittarius, Square Neptune at 18° Pisces


In the sign of Cancer, the Moon is at home.

This means the energies of the Moon are matched with those of Cancer. Ruling over all that is unconscious, internal and emotional, the Moon is concerned with what helps us to feel safe and secure in ourselves. This goes beyond the structures of the physical. Home is also where the heart is.

So, along this line, family is also a theme of Cancer, and again, this goes beyond to whom we were born. It is chosen family and the belief systems we inherited, everything and everyone we find familiar and the presence of our ancestors that live on through us.

With the South Node and Venus in the sign of Sagittarius, the lesson of letting go outdated belief systems is enhanced. We have the opportunity to again evaluate what we have taken in from our family, decide what we would like to continue to carry and allow ourselves to leave the rest.

A tension that may exist with this process is the Square with Neptune in Pisces. Here, it may be challenging to get clear or lucid enough to do what is possible with this energy but both Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by the planet Jupiter, so we are asked to tap into the process of deeper Faith and intuition that what we are experiencing now is on the Greater Path.

Letting go is the most challenging when we are concerned with feeling safe but sometimes we are clinging on to a shell that has become too small and is no longer a good fit. If we can let go with grace, we may even be able to pass it on to someone it is just the right shape for.

Letting go of what no longer serves us will make way for something more magnificent than we could have ever imagined.

You can refer to the degrees and signs above and plot them on your own Natal chart to learn about which house this Full Moon illuminating. I am also available for Moon Readings this week for anyone wanting some more personalized attention with these energies and how to take them into some daily practice.

To show support for this work, you can donate here. Thank you for your time and attention, and may this find you well.


Capricorn New Moon


Sagittarius New Moon