Sagittarius New Moon

Sagittarius New Moon Graphic.png

December 14th, 08:16 AM

• Moon 23º Conjunct Sun 23º Sagittarius

• Total Solar Eclipse at 08:14 AM

• South Node 19º Sagittarius Conjunct Mercury 20º Sagittarius Trine Mars 20º Aries


After the Full Moon in Gemini which started off the eclipse season of the next one and a half years, this New Moon conjoining the Sun in Sagittarius will feel much more pointed and clear. We are sharpening our arrows and testing our aim as these luminous celestial bodies align.

Where do you want to go? What will feel like once you are there?

With the eclipse, this New Moon is more about allowing the universe to show us what is in our best interest. This is not a time to try to even comprehend the Majesty of what is in store for us. It's not a time to exert effort, control or try wield any of the immense power that is flowing at this time. It is a time for us to get present with what is happening in our lives and to practice opening to what’s ready to become.

We will be shown exactly what is right for us.

With the South Node and Mercury lined up in the sky, we are asked reflect and speak to the ways we have followed others without our whole selves out of blind Faith. It's time to investigate what it feels like to Trust.

If you sometime struggle with decisiveness, the stars may have a lucky break for you. Little snowflakes of insight land long enough for a new design to emerge. The blessing with Sagittarius is their sense of wonder. A choice of what direction does not weigh heavy, things do not need to be fully analysed or planned for them to move onward. The journey and all that is found along the way is inextricably part of the whole adventure. This is what Faith is.

It may be that you have triggers around the word faith. That is actually very important to pay attention to because spirituality can be an incredibly powerful coping mechanism and thus used in ways that are not to each of our benefits by people who seek to gain out of a state of control or avarice, consciously or unconsciously. It is precisely the place where you question the word Faith that you are cultivating Faith. It is coming through each of us to be examined, redefined and then passed along renewed. It is living through us, alive with our innate sense of interconnectedness. And, at the same time, it is simply a tool we use to soothe. This does not diminish it's ameliorating effect, instead it validates the need and ability to be more than our seppartness.

Who taught us Trust? How do we know when we find something True?

We each grow bigger than our struggles, fears and unpredictable circumstances when we practice widening our perspective to hold more complexity. It is the difference of feeling stuck in the current of a wave, realizing the water is shallow enough to stand, and from this grounded place, we can see to the curve of the earth. To hold in view, all of the crests of innumerable waves, each ebb and the stillness in between.

Sagittarius is on this quest, to see more. Always aiming the arrow in the direction of uncharted waters and through the adventure, developing a Faith that is greater than all of the chaos and change.

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Cancer Full Moon


Gemini Full Moon