Libra Full Moon

Libra Full Moon.png

March 28, 2021 at 11:48 am

  • Moon at 08º 18’ Libra in Opposition to

  • Sun at 08º 18’ Aries

  • Chiron at 08º 49’ Aries

  • Venus at 08º 56’ Aries


Each opposing pair in the zodiac holds both similarities and uniquenesses that further our own development.

With Libra at our emotional center, we strive for balance and internal ease. Aries, on the other hand, thrives in tension. The solidity of self that is defined when facing adversity. But fighting just to feel the definition of our edges is not getting in touch with our authenticity, it is a misuse of power.

When adversity comes from external forces, we must both defend our self definition and make accommodations to meet life halfway. This is where we see the themes of the opposite signs of Libra and Aries working in union. We need to balance our ideals with external reality. Knowing when to compromise and what to protect is how we learn what is truly important to us, what is of most value. We need relationship to help us recognise and define our sense of self. We need to be in touch with our authenticity to enter honestly into relationship.

With the Sun, Chiron and Venus all in the sign of Aries, we may touch into the tender feelings of isolation, the wounds in relationships where we have felt like not enough or too much. The search to be fully yourself does not end in isolation, but instead, the path continues until you find recognition in relationship of the person you know yourself to be. We are not here to be separate but instead to grow towards interconnectedness.

As we progress through our lives as the living imprint of the celestial map of our birth, we move through challenges unique to us written in the the birth chart. Those challenges are not static, they are flexing and alive in the small choices we make to move through. We are each here with the opportunity to evolve through our life experiences and live the individual differences that make us one-of-a-kind, but we need relationship to have perspective, to mirror back the parts of ourselves we outgrow and who we have yet to become. When we extend admiration towards another, we are waking to a piece of ourselves seeking development.

What is truly mysterious and created new,

is what stretches in the space between

self and other,

between desire and becoming.

You can look to your own chart at 8º in the signs of Libra and Aries to find where this Full Moon chart will be activating and if you have any planets or important placements there you will find this full moon more potent. I am also available for Moon Readings this week for anyone wanting some more personalized attention with these energies and how to take them into some daily practice.

To hear the the corresponding episode of Planetary Muse, listen here.

To show support for this work, you can donate here.


Aries New Moon


Pisces New Moon