Pisces New Moon

Pisces New Moon Graphic (no Logo).png

March 13, 2021 at 02:21 am PST

  • Moon + Sun Conjunct at 23º of Pisces

  • Moon + Sun in a Seppartating Conjunction to Neptune 20º of Pisces

  • Venus at 19º Pisces in an Applying Conjunction to Neptune and the Sun


Today, the New Moon is occuring in the sign of Pisces and at its darkest phase of the lunar cycle. This time is about new beginnings and fresh starts. Pisces uses the tools of compassion and acceptance to navigate existence. This is especially true with the planet Neptune being the ruler of Pisces in modern astrology and prominent in this chart. It may be difficult during this time to get in touch with what is real because Neptune has such a dream-like quality. Acceptance and compassion can be utilized as a way to loosen the areas where we are the hardest on ourselves and allows for a deeply felt sense of peace, but it may feel slow to come because so much has to be lined up in the same direction first. On the other hand, the tool of acceptance can also be used for complacency, self disillusionment and numbing out as a way to cope with overwhelm. We may all be tempted to be lulled into a dreamland that hangs like colored glass in front of reality. If this starts to come up for you, find a way to be in your body because Spirit is the ever connected presence throughout the conduit of the body.

Made of the sound of rain, what takes shape is what coalesces around the imprint of intention.

This New Moon is an incredible opportunity for renewal of where we choose to direct our acceptance of circumstance. There are always things we are saying yes to even if that choice was informed from the past which is no longer relevant. We tend to choose what we have been most familiar with but this doesn’t mean it’s right for us now. We are all growing and changing, shaping and being shaped by the world around us, (and thank you, Octavia E. Butler for this truth.) Let us start to view acceptance as the superpower it is and use the planetary energy of this moment to align with the power of acceptance to the shape what we want to become and do so with an active intention.

When you change shape, you change the imprint you have on everything around you. With Pisces, the exploration is inwards. A reflection on what we are each here to bring. When you accept your true nature, you are more clear on what treatment you can lovingly allow from others. When you renew and commit to your authentic values, you know how to show up engaged in the world around you. This work brings forth a place of vibrant, subtle and deep transformation. With acceptance of what is, we settle down through the silt to find solid ground and, there, we gain traction for the activation met in the sequential sign of Aries. There is a collective shift towards more movement as we near the coming spring. Take this last moment of inward and collective reflection to grieve, to get present and to be with all that you have been through in the past year and beyond.

Acceptance of what is true is what begins the healing.

Allow forgiveness because it brings you peace and reunites you with your Spirit.

This is what lifts and untangles the threads of the past, what sets you free.

You find in your hands, each golden iridescent strand, glistening with the dream of your desire.

It’s yours to make now and you start to fold

one over the other

in soft focus,

quiet rhythm

counting, patient,

until the dream emerges.

Something whole

and tied together from all of the missing parts.

What takes shape is what coalesces around the imprint of intention.

We each become the stewards of our inner landscape.

Tending to our tender shoots,

our gardens bloom and seeds spill out

pressing into every path we walk.

We make this world together

from what we tend to on the inside.

Allow forgiveness because it brings you peace and reunites you with your Spirit.

Acceptance of what is true is what begins the healing.

You can refer to the degrees and signs above and plot them on your own Natal chart to learn about which house this New Moon allowing for renewal. You may feel this Moon more strongly if you have any planets on or around the degrees in this chart. I am also available for Moon Readings this week for anyone wanting some more personalized attention with these energies and how to take them into some daily practice.

To show support for this work, you can donate here.

To listen to the auditory soundscape of this writing, check out The Planetary Muse Podcast.

Thank you for your time and attention, and until next time, be well.


Libra Full Moon


Virgo Full Moon