Virgo Full Moon

Virgo Full Moon.png

February 27, 2021 at 12:17 am PST

  • Moon 08º 57’ Virgo Opposite Sun 08º 57’ Pisces

  • Uranus 07º Taurus Trine the Moon + Sextile the Sun

  • Saturn 08º Aquarius in a Separating Square to Uranus


With the Moon in the sign of Virgo, you remember your body is your vessel.

Your skin, sacred and permeable, light pressing against it. On the smallest subtle levels, there is not much different between you and the room. Your feet push footprints in sand. Dust billows as you dance, always collecting in the quietest corners. Your damp cloth turns dark with where you once were, as you wash. With Virgo here, the mundane becomes magical as spirals of silt are moved by the flow of water. For the Sun in Pisces, water is life, down to each cell the delicate light of compassion moves through and away, bringing with it everything that no longer serves you.

The papers on your desk are straightened and filed away for next reference. Everything has a place. You read and remember all the words from the day, hanging vision clouds on your eyes. And, there is not much different between you and the room. You belong. If you find yourself asking about your tired mind, give the reply that amphibians breathe through their skin, they are not separate from their environment. As a Mercury ruled sign, Virgo looks at every detail and gives each a name. A word held at the tip of the tongue. With this pervasive quality, the collection can be a lot to hold ready. If you find yourself picking at imperfections, instead recognize your discernment.

From Ellias Lonsdale's book, Inside Degrees,

Virgo 8-9°, where the Moon resides:

“…believing in progress, bent on success…you are very good at achieving results. Riveted to the phenomena. But prone to casting shadows that come back to haunt. Short-sided and hooked into what is convenient and pragmatic, perfect in small outer things — all of existence become small outer things.”

Pisces 8-9°, where the Sun resides:

“…you are imaginatively and inwardly pulled towards the great extremes—not able to go on in any usual way. But you ultimately fathom the mysteries and the depths, by exploring all that is there and finding in the end that all is sacred, all is beautiful, and all is integral to the fiber of existence.”

So grow big enough to encompass both. If the weight of the world in all of its granular gravity holds you heavy, be still until you digest it. It is okay to rest.

This is the ending of the six month Lunar Arc in Virgo that began with the Virgo New Moon on September 17, 2020 and so you will be able to see a stream of the themes that had your attention that day coming into full illumination. This is a time of the most perspective and therefore the time to tie up loose ends and release what isn’t working in those areas. Soon it will be time to plant again and the information you digest will be the compost that creates fertile ground.

Remembering the harvest, how the sun laden flowers hung dripping, you can plan to dream. Roots, bare branches and seeds hold the hidden potential of the next but they take the time to go inward. This is a time to remember, and release. Let your limbs hang heavy with only the remembrance of fruit.

You can refer to the degrees and signs above and plot them on your own Natal chart to learn about which house this Full Moon illuminating. You may feel this Moon more strongly if you have any planets on or around the degrees in this chart. I am also available for Moon Readings this week for anyone wanting some more personalized attention with these energies and how to take them into some daily practice.

To show support for this work, you can donate here and to listen to the auditory soundscape of this writing, check out The Planetary Muse podcast. Thank you for your time and attention, and until next time, be well.


Pisces New Moon


Aquarius New Moon